Exchange Online, Federation, Free/Busy, Office 365

Exchange Online Free/Busy federation between two Office 365 tenants

I have recently tried to establish the GAL Federation between two of my Office 365 Exchange Online tenants to share the Free busy Availability between those domains. I have used the domains and the free one

1) Connect to Exchange Online through PowerShell as an administrator user on one of the domain (

2) Find the existing Federation info between the domains under consideration. Substitute the domain name when asked as below:

Get-FederationInformation -DomainName


3) Create a New Organization Relationship between the domains and set the Free Busy Properties. In this step, I am going to set the FreeBusyAccessLevel as ‘AvailabilityOnly’

Get-FederationInformation -DomainName “Domain Name” | New-OrganizationRelationship -Name ‘Federaion’ -Enabled $true -FreeBusyAccessEnabled $true -FreeBusyAccessLevel ‘AvailabilityOnly’ -FreeBusyAccessScope $null


4) Now check the Scheduling Assistant in owa or outlook and see it has shared as below: I have tried to check the availability info of a mailbox located in the federated domain


5) Similarly, you may also set the ‘FreeBusyAccessLlevel’ as ‘LimitedDetails’ for the existing OrganizationRelationship as below:

Set-OrganizationRelationship ‘Test-Federation’ -FreeBusyAccessLevel LimitedDetails
