Mailbox move stuck with the status details ‘StalledDueToTarget_ContentIndexing’
Here is the cmdlet I tried to see the move request status
Get-MoveRequest -resultsize unlimited | Where-Object {$_.status -notlike “null”} | Get-MoveRequestStatistics | select DisplayName, StatusDetail, TotalMailboxSize, BytesTransferred, *Percent* | ft -auto
The requests found stopped for long hours with the status details ‘StalledDueToTarget_ContentIndexing‘

The solution I applied was disabled the content indexing of the target database temporarly with the following cmdlet
Set-MailboxDatabase “DB01A” -IndexEnabled:$False
This worked !

Once the move requests are completed, indexing enabled back with the following cmdlet
Set-MailboxDatabase “DB01A” -IndexEnabled:$True
Happy Moving !
Same issue, but stopping indexing did not resolve