Exchange Server

Source user ‘Microsoft Exchange Approval Assistant’ doesn’t have a primary mailbox

Yesterday, I fixed one of the issue I have faced while I was trying to delete the first mailbox database of an Exchange 2010 deployment. Arbitration mailboxes were presented in the database and New-MoveRequest has failed to move the Arbitration mailbox to a different database.

While trying to move, the error reported was, Source user ‘Microsoft Exchange Approval Assistant’ doesn’t have a primary mailbox’  

Then I tried a resolution in various ways, and finally the following cmdlet helped me to move the mailbox successfully to a different mailbox.

GET-Mailbox -Database “Mailbox Database 1750838926” -Arbitration | New-MoveRequest -TargetDatabase DB01

So, finally I was able to see the progress of the move request and was able to delete the first database successfully